Sunday, December 14, 2008

The Oxford Book of American Detective Stories

Edgar Allan Poe's "Murders in the Rue Morgue" launched the detective story in 1841. The genre began as a highbrow form of entertainment, a puzzle to be solved by a rational sifting of clues. In Britain, the stories became decidedly upper crust: the crime often commited in a world of manor homes and formal gardens, the blood on the Persian rug usually blue. But from the beginning, American writers worked important changes on Poe's basic formula, especially in language and locale. And with World War I, the Roaring '20s, the rise of organized crime and corrupt police with Prohibition, and the Great Depression, American detective fiction branched out in all directions, lead by writers such as Dashiell Hammett and Raymond Chandler, who brought crime out of the drawing room and into the "mean streets" where it actually occured. In The Oxford Book of American Detective Stories, Tony Hillerman and Rosemary Herbert bring together thirty-four tales that illuminate both the evolution of crime fiction in the United States and America's unique contribution to this highly popular genre. Tracing its progress from elegant "locked room" mysteries, to the hard-boiled realism of the '30s and '40s, to the great range of styles seen today, this superb collection includes virtually all the great crime writers, including Erle Stanley Gardner, Raymond Chandler, Ross Macdonald, Rex Stout, Ellery Queen, Ed McBain, Sara Paretsky, Sue Grafton, and Hillerman himself. There are also many delightful surprises: Bret Harte, for instance, offers a Sherlockian pastiche with a hero named Hemlock Jones, and William Faulkner blends local color, authentic dialogue, and dark, twisted pride in "An Error in Chemistry." We meet a wide range of sleuths, from armchair detective Nero Wolfe, to Richard Sale's journalist Daffy Dill, to Robert Leslie Bellem's wise-cracking Dan Turner, to Linda Barnes's six-foot, red-haired, taxi-driving female P.I., Carlotta Carlyle. And we sample a wide variety of styles, from tales with a strongly regional flavor, to hard-edged pulp fiction, to stories with a feminist perspective. Perhaps most important, the book offers a brilliant summation of America's signal contribution to crime fiction, highlighting the myriad ways in which we have reshaped this genre. The editors show how Raymond Chandler used crime, not as a puzzle to be solved, but as a spotlight with which he could illuminate the human condition; how Ed McBain, in "A Small Homicide," reveals a keen knowledge of police work as well as of the human sorrow which so often motivates crime; and how Ross Macdonald's Lew Archer solved crime not through blood stains and footprints, but through psychological insight into the damaged lives of the victim's family. And throughout, the editors provide highly knowledgeable introductions to each piece, written from the perspective of fellow writers and reflecting a life-long interest--not to say love--of this quintessentially American genre. American crime fiction is as varied and as democratic as America itself. Hillerman and Herbert bring us a goldmine of glorious stories that can be read for sheer pleasure, but that also illuminate how the crime story evolved from the drawing room to the back alley, and how it came to embrace every corner of our nation and every facet of our lives.

Download Link :

Norton Antivirus/Internet Security 2009

Norton Antivirus/Internet Security 2009
Our 2009 Norton Internet Security and Norton AntiVirus products are fast and light on your PC - the fastest and lightest available today. This year we put extra focus and resources into making our technology run much faster while at the same time using far fewer PC resources. As always, you get industry-leading protection with Norton. Experience it for yourself.

What does “Faster & Lighter” mean?
Faster & Lighter means security that won’t slow you down. More specifically it means faster, fewer and shorter scans, high-speed network throughput, one-minute install, fewer active processes, less memory utilization - in general faster operations so you won’t feel a performance impact on your day-to-day computing experience.

Just how strong is our protection?
There is an entire economy built around Identity theft. Norton Internet Security 2009 provides additional protection from threats aimed at stealing your identity through a number of technologies including industry-leading Phishing protection and Web site authentication as well as login & password management. As an added bonus, Norton Identity Safe makes banking, browsing, and shopping online even more convenient than before by automatically filling in your login and transaction forms for you. Norton Internet Security 2009 also includes antispam, parental controls, network monitoring and WiFi connection security to safeguard your network and your family.

At Symantec we realize that whatever you use your computer for, you don’t want it slowed down by top-heavy security software. This year we evaluated every line of code, every possible interaction with the goal of providing comprehensive security that won’t slow you down. That’s why the theme of the 2009 Norton products is Smart Security, Engineered for Speed.

We’ve been in the security business for 20 years. It is our focus and our passion. We leverage 40,000 security sensors, 4 security operations centers and intelligence from the over 18 million members of our Norton Community Watch to build the best security to protect you against today’s online threats. Traditional virus scanning is good but it is not enough. Many threats come in forms that traditional virus scanning can’t begin to stop which is why Norton Internet Security also provides advanced protection features.

Identity and Transaction Protection
Norton Internet Security 2009 provides additional protection from threats aimed at stealing your identity through a number of technologies including industry-leading Phishing protection and Web site authentication as well as login and password management.

Secure Networking
Network security monitoring helps you secure your home network against threats and uninvited guests and automatically increases your security settings when you connect to a public WiFi network.

Usability and Support
Norton stays out of your way, unless you need it, but if you want you customize your security settings, our new streamlined user interface puts every element of your security right at your fingertips. We offer multiple ways for you to get technical support - so you get the help you need, however you need it - at no charge.

AV Comparatives Results
Of the 17 Antivirus programs tested, Norton 2009 scored 3rd in Missed Samples, 3rd in Detection Rate, 4th in False Positives and 1st in Scanning Speed for the August 2008 On-Demand Test.

Troubleshoot Windows using Microsoft Diagnostics and Recovery Toolset

Troubleshoot Windows using Microsoft Diagnostics and Recovery Toolset
Troubleshoot Windows using Microsoft Diagnostics and Recovery Toolset

This tool allows you to boot from a CD into a special diagnostics environment which enables you to:

- Fix boot problems (boot.ini/Chkdsk)

- Edit the Registry offline

- Change Services/Drivers startup state

- Restore to an earlier Restore Point even if Windows fails to start in Safe-Mode

- Reset the administrator password (or any other account)

- Easily remove malware & viruses while scanning the system offline

- Recover lost data while the system is offline (undelete files, folders or partitions)

The tool fully supports TCP/IP networking for sharing folders and remote troubleshooting.

The environment partially-supports running other Windows applications for Virus cleaning, undelete files and more. most of the applications that will work flawlessly are the one that designed to run without installation and no run-time libraries (.Net framework, etc.)


Skype Recorder 2.31

Skype Recorder 2.31
Skype Recorder is a surprisingly easy-to-use tool for recording Skype audio conversations.It is really simple to create a new recording.All you need is to run Skype Recorder.The software will start the recording by itself as soon as you start talking on Skype.The conversation over,Skype Recorder will encode the recording to the specified format and will save the ready file on your hard drive. Due to the built-in audio player,you will be able to listen to the recording in no time and do whatever you like–delete it, move or upload to the site.



Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008

Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008
Manager Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008 - the latest addition to the family of product management System Center,
which increases the percentage of utilization of physical server, providing centralized management of virtual environment and the rapid creation of new virtual machines administrators and authorized users.

Year: 2008
Version: 2008
Developer: Microsoft
Platform: Windows Server 2008
Compatible with Vista: complete
Minimum system requirements:
Hardware component
Processor Pentium 4, 2 GHz (x64)
Hard disk space 10 GB

Key features:
- VMM 2008 consolidated in a single management console as Virtual Server 2005 R2, Windows Server 2008 Hyper-V and Hyper-V Server, and VMware Virtual Infrastructure 3.5
- Full support of PowerShell for all actions (similar to Exchange 2007 and OpsMgr 2007)
- A set of features to enhance productivity and optimize resource utilization - Performance and Resource Optimization (PRO). Performance is monitored through a package management (Management Pack) for OpsMgr 2007

Also, many other changes to improve the vocation nazhezhnost and reduce time to recover from disruptions.


ID USB Lock Key 1.2

ID USB Lock Key 1.2
INFO: ID USB Lock Key is a security program meant to protect your computer from unauthorized users. It denies access, by providing a security block-screen which can be unblocked with the USB stick where you have the key generated by the program.

Here are some key features of "ID USB Lock Key":

· Activates the block screen by just three steps. All you have to do, in order to have your PC protected, is to introduce your USB stick, generate a security private key and unplug the USB. Your computer then blocks any unauthorized
· Locks your computer by itself when your status becomes IDLE. You can choose to activate the blocking-mode by simply pressing CTR+ALT+L.
· ID USB Lock Key protects thoroughly by not allowing access not even after a reboot of your computer. It makes sure that your PC doesn’t reboot to its original unblocked status.
· Generates a unique protection key for one or more USB sticks. In case you loose your USB stick, or you want to allow access to another user on his/her private USB stick, the program will generate another unique key.
· Displays a lock screen. ID USB Lock Key displays a protection screen whenever someone else touches your computer, disabling any key from having any influence upon it.
· ID USB Lock Key has a convenient graphic interface which is very simple to use. It requires minimal space on your computer to operate efficiently.


Maxon Cinema 4D Studio

Maxon Cinema 4D Studio

Its one-of-a-kind modular system and the ease with which it can be learned make CINEMA 4D the ideal tool for any purpose and every budget. . . .

CINEMA 4D is available in several languages. ?inema 4D contains all functions needed to create high-end 3D images and animations – start the application and start working, it’s that easy. For those whose work demands more than the basic application, MAXON provides numerous CINEMA 4D modules that can be integrated seamlessly. Equip your production environment with the CINEMA 4D Studio Bundle in order to take advantage of all the power CINEMA 4D has to offer. Your advanced 3D projects will come alive with the addition of 3D painting, dynamic simulations and network rendering. The CINEMA 4D Studio Bundle lets you unleash your creativity and enjoy 3D without limits.

State-of-the-Art Technology

CINEMA 4D's state-of-the-art architecture means it is always the first to benefit from new technologies and advancements - 64-bit support on Windows and Mac OS or Multiprocessing to name a few. MAXON is a development partner of many leading IT companies, including Intel and Apple. As such MAXON has early access to many future technologies which makes it possible to tailor our products accordingly. Our customers can rely on latest technology and maximum security for their investment.

Modularity makes it suitable for all industries.

The core application contains everything you need to create high-end 3D images and animations. For those artists whose work demands more than the basic application, MAXON provides numerous seamlessly integrated modules. Modules can also be purchased individually or in affordable bundles. For specific industries, such as architecture and engineering, MAXON also offers Editions that contain specially tailored functionality.

There is a CINEMA 4D to satisfy the needs of every artist and industry that utilizes 3D graphics. Take a tour through our solutions pages to see where CINEMA 4D dominates and thrives worldwide - then download a demo version and convince yourself.

CINEMA 4D is available in several languages including English, German, French, Spanish, and more

CINEMA 4D R11 New Feature List:

Non-Linear Animation

Move beyond the keyframe with the new non-linear animation system in CINEMA 4D Release 11. With non-linear animation, it's easy to build, layer and loop discreet motions containing hundreds of keyframes in complex hierarchies. You can easily block out animation based on predefined motions and build upon the basic movement by overlaying additional keyframes or motions.

Animation Layers
Animation layers allow you to build up a complex movement from individual layers, much like editing an image. You can block out the basic movement on one layer, then refine the motion with secondary animation layered on top. Define the "opacity" of each animation layer to control its influence over the final movement. In fact, you can animate the mix strength of each layer. Animation layers even work with complex hierarchies, allowing you to layer the animation of even the most complex character rigs.

Motion Clips
Motion Clips provide true non-linear animation functionality by allowing you to group complex keyframe animations on an entire hierarchy into a single clip that can be easily moved, layered or looped. Whether you're building motions for a character, defining presets animations for motion graphics or designing mechanical simulations, you can easily create a library of motions that can be dragged and dropped like video clips to define the final animation.CINEMA 4D automatically blends between each motion, or allows you to define the length and curve of the transition. Each clip can easily be looped, scaled or cropped; and just as with animation layers, motion clips can be layered with individual mix strength settings for each layer. The animation itself can be easily repositioned in 3D space using CINEMA 4D's new Pivot Object, making it easy to integrate yo motions with one another and place the animation within the 3D environment.

These little helpers come in handy if you need to change the direction of e.g. a walking character, without changing the walkcycle itself. Or if the character walks upon a moving surface (elevator, escalator). In this case only the pivot needs to be animated (move or rotate) and the character follows immediately.


Winzip Pro 11.2

Winzip Pro 11.2
WinZip, the original and most popular compression utility for Windows, is a powerful and easy-to-use tool that quickly zips and unzips your files to conserve disk space and greatly reduce e-mail transmission time. WinZip 11.2 is available as Standard or Pro.

WinZip 11.2 is an updated version of our most recent major release—WinZip 11.0—that supports Windows Vista®.

WinZip 11.2 offers a thumbnail image view and automatic compression selection, plus improved compression for audio files (WAV) and the ability to open .BZ2 and .RAR files.

WinZip 11.2 Pro adds expanded data backup functionality and includes a new internal image viewer that allows you to browse through multiple images within the Zip file.
Benefits Pro
Burn New and Existing Zip Files Directly to CD or DVD
FTP Upload New and Existing Zip Files more »
Email Zip File and Logs on WinZip Job Completion more »
Run WinZip Jobs From a History List of Recent Jobs more »
View Full-Size Compressed Images Directly From Your Zip File
Predefined Data Backup Jobs more »
Create Custom, Automated Zipping Tasks (WinZip Jobs) more »
Scheduling Capabilities for Running Zip Jobs more »
Command Line Support (Separate Download) more »
Display Thumbnails in WinZip's Explorer Style View
Best Compression Chooses Compression Method Based on File Type
Improved Compression for Audio Files (WAV)
Extract from .BZ2 and .RAR Files
Attachment Management Support
Quick File Selection
Automatic Update Checking
Flexible Interface; Wizard and Classic more »
Tight Integration with Windows more »
Large Zip File Support more »
128- and 256-Bit AES Encryption more »
E-mail Support (including one click Zip & E-mail) more »
Split Zip File Capability more »
Create Self-Extracting Archives more »

What's New in WinZip 11.2?


WinZip® 11.2 is an update to our most recent major release, WinZip 11.0. In addition to the features introduced in WinZip 11.1 and WinZip 11.0 (outlined below), WinZip 11.2 changes include:

* Unicode support to ensure international characters are displayed for filenames in a Zip file when the Zip file is shared between two computers having different code pages (the default set of text characters available for display.) For Unicode support, the Zip file must be created and opened with a zip utility that supports the Unicode extensions to the Zip file format such as WinZip 11.2
* Integrated support for LHA to create, open and extract LHA archives (.LHA and .LZH). This eliminates the need for a third-party DOS program
* Removal of support for DOS-based, third-party programs such as ARJ and ARC
* Minor bug fixes and enhancements


Zoner Photo Studio Enterprise v11.0.1.4

Zoner Photo Studio Enterprise v11.0.1.4
Zoner Photo Studio Enterprise v11.0.1.4
Zoner Photo Studio - the complete set intended for qualitative processing of a digital photo (from loading in the computer, including correction, up to archiving and the publication). One of program possibilities is extraction from pictures of the data about a site of the photographer during fulfilment of shooting and a parity of this data with cartographical programs. Differently, at use of the corresponding chamber, the user on a virtual card can find that place where the picture was made in a consequence - the company asserts that it is unique feature of a product.

PhotoStudio works with the majority of models of digital chambers and includes means for editing of pictures, allows to add to pictures text descriptions, to create catalogues of photos on various carriers, etc. By means of the given program also it is possible to create breadboard models of calendars, on-line photo galleries and many other things.

Zoner Photo Studio is a tool which will safely spend the user through all stages of managerial process and processing of a digital photo: reception, editing, archiving and the publication. The universal decision «all in one» gives to the user exclusive comfort in an operating time needlessly constantly to pass from one program in another. The professional version is intended for all advanced users of digital cameras and scanners who want easily, quickly and effectively to process the photos. The program contains an extensive tooling for complex processing of a digital photo on the computer. Its qualities will be estimated by each experienced user of the digital camera.

support GPS:
Navigating GPS devices become a usual element of an everyday life. Therefore in program Zoner Photo Studio support of assignment of geographical co-ordinates to photos with automatic communication with known GPS devices and the subsequent display on on-line and off-line cards is again added. The photos added with exact localisation, get the next advantages which will estimate not only tourists, but also employees of the companies and the organisations, working with cameras in field conditions.

Web Galerie:
There is a set of special programs for creation of web galleries HTML, however Zoner Photo Studio includes this function in the basic price of versions Home and Professional. You can create very easily gallery HTML, using the evident master with automatic generating, according to in advance prepared templates. You do not need to own any information on program codes of sites but, despite it, you can quickly and create effortlessly well developed site with your photos. It is possible to look at created complete set HTML of photos at once in an Internet browser, to keep it on a disk or directly to write down on the necessary address through FTP.

Package operations:
Zoner Photo Studio is very strong tool for batch operation of photos and repeated actions. Ability of the program to process photos on groups will be estimated by each user who processes a considerable quantity of photos. A night nightmare – to process, for example, 500 photos made during holiday, turns to trifling business.

You can achieve amazing effects:
- creation of panoramas
- creation of 3D-images
- transformation to shades grey and other manipulations with colour
- flash correction
- creation of pictures and antique photos
- add waves and granularity
- make out photos frameworks, the lines muffled by shades etc.

Reception of images:
- support of all types of digital cameras (USB Mass Storage and Canon)
- scanning through interface TWAIN, downloading of images from sites
- the expanded capture of the screen and data transmission from the exchange buffer
- converting ("call") of format Canon RAW (CRW)

Vse for improvement of photos and elimination of graphic defects:
- editing of an exposition by means of levels and curves
- editing of colours, sharpnesses, clearing of shades
- effect removal «red eyes»
- a reduction of noise and chromatic defects
- correction бочкообразности and prospects
- alignment of horizon and converging lines
- tools for retouching: a cloning stamp, утюжок, a brush and pouring, turn and a sawn-off shotgun
- package operations with photos

The Operating system: Windows® 2000/XP/Vista
Interface Language: English
Size: 59.6 MB
Medicine: Is present


UltraISO Premium Edition 9.32 Build 2656

UltraISO Premium Edition 9.32 Build 2656
UltraISO is a ISO CD/DVD image file creating/editing/converting tool, it can directly edit the CD/DVD image file and extract files and folders from it, as well as directly make ISO files from your CD/DVD-ROM or hard disk. At the same time, you can maintain the ISO bootable information, thus creating your own bootable CD/DVDs. You now have the power to make and edit your own ISO files, and then burn them to CD/DVD for your own needs.

* Changes in 9.3.2 Build 2656:Supports nature file/folder priority mode (Shift+F12)
* Auto splits ISO/NRG images above 4GB on making DVD images to USB devices with FAT32 volume
* Can change time and hidden attribute of files in floppy/disk image
* Supports Vietnamese and Malaysian languages
* Can detect and use Roixo Creator 2009 as default burning software
* Can handle UDF volume with huge amount of files and folders (200K+)
* Reports newly added files on 'Verify checksums' operation
* Some minor improvements and bug fixes

Keygen Included.


3D Bank DV-Loops v8 DNA _ Very Nice Video-footage

3D Bank DV-Loops v8 DNA _ Very Nice Video-footage

Animation: 30 clips NTSC *avi
Bio Chemistry / Cell / Concept / Gene / Molecule
Per download price: $34.95
Box store price: $199

Protein and nucleic acids mixing, cell nucleus lysing ¡V amino acid
assembles, protein chains forms, large amounts of hereditary
information transmitted from generation to generation. The animations
are categorized by their characteristics¡Xfrom bio chemistry, cell,
concept, gene to molecule, and could be composed with your video
freely and tone up your video with medical tones.


Create Posters From Your Photos

Create Posters From Your Photos

Poster Forge application was designed to allow users to quickly make your own inspirational, motivational, movie or old west “Wanted” posters without any efforts and totally for free!

With the help of a special built-in utility, you can print big size posters and hang them on the wall.

What is more, you can publish your new posters in the Internet (myspace, livejournals, flickr, etc.).

Don’t wait, put your creative ideas in your new posters with Poster Forge at any time, any place and share them with your friends and colleagues!


- Support for motivational/inspirational/demotivational posters.
- Support for movie/film posters.
- Support for old old west “Wanted” posters.
- Step- by- step interface.
- Direct preview of created posters.
- Printing of big size posters.
- Multilingual interface.
